
IPA: ʌnsɪstʌmˈætɪk


  • Not systematic

Examples of "unsystematic" in Sentences

  • Christians might take offence at the selective and unsystematic consideration of one of their holiest festivals.
  • "If people were to start making those unsystematic, stock-specific bets, then correlation would start to fall," Mr. Knapp says.
  • They make mistakes because they see the world from a narrow, limited perspective, and they have inadequate, unsystematic information.
  • DSM 5 literature reviews are remarkably variable in quality; often one sided, incomplete, and unsystematic; and sometimes giving undue weight to unpublished papers or papers authored by DSM 5 work-group members.
  • Besides, every action is based in some sort of belief, even if that belief is primal ( "I believe I'm hungry, so I'm killing a fatted calf for dinner!"), subconscious, unsystematic, ill-considered, or irrational.
  • Sharpe's proof depends upon the assumption that all investors effectively free themselves of "unsystematic" risk by diversification and receive a risk premium only for the remaining "systematic risk" (he argued that rational investors in a perfect market would arbitrage away any premium gained in return for avoidable risks).

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