
IPA: ʌntˈeɪntɪd


  • Not tainted; free of contamination; pure.

Examples of "untainted" in Sentences

  • To be white, you need to be 100% white "" that is, "untainted" - by the black genes.
  • The appeal of "untainted" Tea Party candidates signals this disgust with current officeholders.
  • That Sample B will overrule Sample A, or however that works, and Landis 'dramatic comeback will remain untainted.
  • She agreed to a prosecution proposed compromise, allowing the government to call untainted witnesses and evidence not handled by Carla Martin.
  • But what stays Kate’s hand, and prevents her from entering into all-out competition with her daughter, is her need to remain untainted in her daughter’s opinion.
  • I hope it will not come too soon; (for God's sake let us keep some spot in the world still untainted from the turmoil of the multitude, so that coming generations will have a place to flee to).
  • Ironically the Dems for Change are now well-positioned for 2004 because they remain untainted by Snook and the status quo Dems and can easily steal away Schilling’s base by running some dynamic, change-oriented candidates for office.
  • He called to mind many a pleasant fire-side chat; many a funeral scene, and burying in sun-light and in the cold rain; the young Elbridge too was in his thoughts last of all; could he return to them with a name untainted, the old man would cheerfully lie down in his grave and be at peace with all the world.
  • He recalled untainted and simple memories of Kazem telling Suthep a joke a customer had relayed to him making all four of them laugh until they turned red; the shapes and slight variations of the colors of clouds; and lying on his bed in their parents home hearing the sounds of locusts somewhere in the swaying tree limbs cradled in the wind's caresses.

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