
IPA: ʌntˈæŋgʌɫ


  • (transitive) To remove tangles or knots from.
  • (transitive, by extension, figurative) To remove confusion or mystery from.

Examples of "untangle" in Sentences

  • My reticence and my use of the word "untangle" is based on this:
  • Alas, our surveys cannot allow us to untangle the causal pathways here.
  • This comment was originally posted on Twitter untangle said at 10pm on Nov 16th # |
  • Front liners are unable to untangle this web, despite protestations by many with an informed and accurate perspective at the coal face.
  • Words sprang into my head and the lines seemed familiar, like something I had said many times before: O time, thou must untangle this knot, not I.
  • Front line police officers are unable to untangle this web, despite protestations by many with an informed and accurate perspective and experience at the sharp end.
  • By testing the impact of all the relevant factors simultaneously, we can be sure that one is not standing in for another; thus we untangle the many influences on congregational diversity.
  • While the majority of residents are convinced that life in that potential new state will be a vast improvement over that in a united Sudan, just how the two nations will untangle their economies and political allegiances remains to be seen.
  • Under the best of circumstances, winding down a civil war is a tricky business, but the vested interests between these warring parties had created a Gordian knot that most people in the State Department thought would be impossible to untangle.

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