
IPA: ʌntˈɛɫʌbʌɫ


  • That cannot be told; indefinable, indescribable or ineffable.

Examples of "untellable" in Sentences

  • Here are just a few examples of presently untellable truths:
  • That is the first step in telling our most important untellable truths.
  • Such words have to be invented and will only come into common use when these presently untellable truths become commonplace truths.
  • And this was to say nothing of my one diarist's duty still undischarged: If I was snuffed out here and now who would tell the untellable tale?
  • The conservative message machine has so dominated political discourse that they have changed the meaning of words and made some truths untellable by political leaders in present discourse.
  • The main differences between this world and ours are these (at a “guiding principles” level anyway, of course the differences would “really” occur as an untellable metastasization, a fractal expansion headed down an inescapable and unexplorable rabbit hole):

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