IPA: ʌntˈaɪ
- (transitive) To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted; to disengage the parts of.
- (transitive) To free from fastening or from restraint; to let loose; to unbind.
- To resolve; to unfold; to clear.
- (intransitive) To become untied or loosed.
- (programming, transitive) In the Perl programming language, to undo the process of tying, so that a variable uses default instead of custom functionality.
Examples of "untie" in Sentences
- Please untie the knot in the rope so we can lower the flag
- The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience to untie the ropes binding his wrists
- My daughter loves to untie her shoelaces and then try to tie them back together again
- It took me over an hour to untie all the tangled Christmas lights from the tree
- The prisoner pleaded with his captors to untie him and let him go
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