
IPA: ʌntˈaɪ


  • (transitive) To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted; to disengage the parts of.
  • (transitive) To free from fastening or from restraint; to let loose; to unbind.
  • To resolve; to unfold; to clear.
  • (intransitive) To become untied or loosed.
  • (programming, transitive) In the Perl programming language, to undo the process of tying, so that a variable uses default instead of custom functionality.

Examples of "untie" in Sentences

  • "untie" its aid by 2012-13, so that relief dollars can be spent in Africa, rather than on
  • I must untie the knots of feeling in me, to see if I can uncover the truth of the situation.
  • Oh this reminds me of a contortionist trying to untie himself after finding itself contorted.
  • Rush needs to untie the other half of his brain, the part that does not have his ego tied to it.
  • Replacement of paper with a computer screen, and pencil with electrons, does not "untie" the process.
  • The Obama Administration tried mightily to entice Assad into "engaging" Washington in a vain attempt to untie Assad from his patron Ahmadinejad.
  • * This first-of-its-kind promotion will "untie" families from giving dad the traditional, same-old gift, instead offering him something he craves - a new smartphone.
  • I did listen to the celebrated 60th anniversary episode, but I'm afraid I lost it when Nigel and someone else climbed on to the gables on a dark and icy night to untie a banner.
  • She knew how to bite through a gag, untie the most complex knots and bust out of a locked room using the quarter-sized bit of nitroglycerin secreted into the heel of her go-go boot.

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