
IPA: ʌntˈaɪmbɝd


  • Not timbered.

Examples of "untimbered" in Sentences

  • Since leaving Ballan the road had dipped up and down a succession of swelling rises, grass-grown and untimbered.
  • In old times we Hidatsas never made our gardens on the untimbered, prairie land, because the soil there is too hard and dry.
  • Northwest Company's "Beaver Club," he had heard still more of this vast new land, of its wealth of furs, of its untimbered fields, where man had but to put in the plowshare to sow his crop.
  • Starting in August, the full shaft area, 74 by 40 ft., was taken out in an open untimbered cut to the rock, and a 20 by 50-ft. shaft was sunk through the rock to tunnel grade, leaving a 10 or 12-ft. berm around it.
  • In the morning we started on our journey to travel over a level untimbered, uninhabited country for nearly four hundred miles, without anything of especial interest occurring save cholera, from which there was terrible suffering.
  • Mountains which pass the Columbia river about the great falls or from Longitude 116 to 121 West. in this exte [n] sive tract of principally untimbered country so far as we have lea [r] nt the following natives reside (viz) the Sosone or snake
  • Before we had gone far we found the recent tracks of an exploring party, and instead of rejoining our party we followed the tracks to see where they led, which appeared to be in the direction of some untimbered hills on the left bank of the Aramak Creek.
  • This was peculiarly unfortunate, because an Indian trapper whom they had met two days before had told them that their course led across a wide untimbered stretch, on the opposite side of which one or two isolated bluffs would indicate the neighborhood of the factory.
  • At one moment he felt an impulse -- so desperate seemed the case -- to dash across the open valley, and scaling the untimbered height, right in the face of the watchful foe, open a way of deliverance to his little master; or, failing in the attempt, bring life to the bitter end at once.
  • The Grass's of this neighbourhood are generally coarse harsh and sedge-like, and grow in large tufts. there is none except in the open grounds. near the coast on the top of some of the untimbered hills there is a finer and softer species which resemble much the greens word. the salt marshes also produce

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