IPA: ʌntˈaɪmɫinʌs
- The state of being untimely.
Examples of "untimeliness" in Sentences
- I have to add that your observations about “untimeliness” make no sense to me.
- Moral beauty has tendency to decay very rapidly into sententiousness or untimeliness.
- Since this is a story people have been following on TV, isn't the News cover risking untimeliness?
- Words alone cannot express my personal anguish at the untimeliness of his death and the great burden it places on you, McGonagle began.
- I have chosen to pursue this agenda, notwithstanding its untimeliness in the face of matters that have arisen i.e., the economic crisis, in part because I'm comfortable with it.
- In a case of this magnitude, with allegations this serious, a dismissal of the complaint for untimeliness does nothing to enhance the public image of lawyers in the State of North Carolina.
- You know she ` s shown that she has a real detachment from her emotions and there ` s no reason to think that, you know, the untimeliness and unfortunate situation where her father would give her anymore empathy or make her care anymore.
- Although there have been isolated instances of courts outside the Seventh Circuit denying motions for leave to file for reasons other than untimeliness, the “general practice in the federal courts of appeals is to grant leave to file an amicus brief in most situations.”
- The avant-garde almost always fails because of this untimeliness, either by being “before its time,” addressing an, as yet, unforeseen, future audience (doing so from a modern viewpoint in a tone of historic anticipation), or by being “beyond its time,” addressing an as yet, unawakened, modern audience (doing so from a future viewpoint in a tone of historic renunciation).