IPA: ʌntrænsfˈɝʌbʌɫ
- Not transferable; that cannot be transferred.
Examples of "untransferable" in Sentences
- Time elapsed and subjective context untransferable.
- The irony of Mr. Harrison's tone is quite untransferable to paper.
- All of us, at some moment, have had a vision of our existence as something unique, untransferable [sic.] and very precious. ...
- That is, if no rights are transferred, than these particular rights are still untransferred, and, if you please, untransferable.
- Rosalie received her curtain-call boos in an outfit by the Japanese designer, but his magic touch turned out to be untransferable.
- Many poor countries are held back in their development because capital is unowned, unregistered, untransferable and cannot be used as collateral.
- This means not ingeniously discovering infallible ways of being 'true' in the eyes of others and of posterity (if any!) but accepting my untruth in the untransferable anguish which is characteristic of death, and leaving all 'justification' to God.
- Bethmann-Hollweg parried, saying that an order by the kaiser to begin unrestricted U-boat warfare would indeed be an expression of imperial authority, but that an unrestricted submarine campaign, directed not only against enemy ships but also against neutral vessels, “directly affects our relations with neutral states and thus represents an act of foreign policy … for which I have sole and untransferable responsibility.”
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