
IPA: ʌntrˈɪmd


  • Not trimmed; not made tidy by cutting.
  • Not adorned with trimmings.

Examples of "untrimmed" in Sentences

  • “Not in this country,” he said, but there seemed to be a smile under his untrimmed whiskers.
  • His beautiful body was nearly naked, but his face was still covered by a bushy, untrimmed beard.
  • His untrimmed beard and his eyes, framed with horn rimmed glasses, contrasted sharply with the pale, hairless skin of his chest and arms.
  • In another video clip, bin Laden appears with an untrimmed gray beard, wrapped in a blanket in a small room, sitting in front of a television set.
  • The untrimmed roughness of an inveterate polarization of ideology has placed us in the greatest danger: lack of unity, lack of authoritative direction. i.e.:
  • Around small pastures the leaves on hazel bushes are already turning yellow and, on untrimmed hawthorn and blackthorn, there are reddening haws and purple-green sloes.
  • Garbed in a top hat and a black cape, his untrimmed fingernails curling in grotesque spirals, Coffin Joe is a nightmare vision of a sideshow magician with the ominously resonant voice of a vampire DJ.
  • The women's were weathered by singlehood, parenthood or simply Botoxed into expressionless oblivion, eyebrows painted a notch too high in permanent surprise, as if goosed by invisible midgets with untrimmed fingernails.
  • It just bothers me that most of these things that these programs tweak are simple little things that could be added to options windows with a little radio or tick button, and increase the usefulness of the product, but instead they bury these options in piles of useless, uncleaned, and untrimmed code. imagefrozen
  • Actually, they ignored me because they were being watched by ultra-puritan Salafists, easily identifiable by their bushy, untrimmed beards and clean-shaven upper lips, their veiled wives in tow, followed by their pious daughters whose hair was carefully covered to please daddy but whose curvaceous bodies were wrapped so tightly in traditional garb as to leave nothing to the imagination.

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