
IPA: ʌntrˈuɫi


  • In an untrue manner.

Examples of "untruly" in Sentences

  • Domestics are in all countries a spoiled and untruly set. '
  • Penzance, telling her, untruly, that it would take twenty-four hours.
  • Fourthly, when it plays a part, and does or says anything insincerely and untruly.
  • Christian; “then, perhaps, you will not have spoken untruly of the dignity of knighthood.”
  • Goldsmith, who had studied physick there, contradicted this, very untruly, with a sneering laugh.
  • At first he declared to himself, most untruly, that there was no one to believe him, — no, not one.
  • For ye Christian men reck right nought, how untruly to serve God! Ye should give ensample to the lewd people for to do well, and ye give them ensample to do evil.
  • She refused him then, Lady Lufton — not as some girls do, with a mock reserve, not intending to be taken at their words, — but steadily, and, God forgive her, untruly.
  • The same story had been told everywhere in London of the little woman for the last half dozen years, whether truly or untruly I am not prepared to say; but it had not hitherto reached Archie
  • And after this we declared unto her Grace according to our instruccions for what causes the Lordes of the Kinges Majesties Counsell had appointed Rochester, Inglefeld, and Walgrave, being her servantes, to open the premisses [forbidding the Latin mass] unto her, and how yll and untruly they had used themselfes in the charge committed unto them, and besydes that, how they had manifestly disobeyed the Kinges Majesties Counsell, &c.

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