
IPA: ʌntwˈɪstʌd


  • Not twisted.

Examples of "untwisted" in Sentences

  • The trunk untwisted a fraction, and twisted back again.
  • And yes I'm pretty twisted and you are % 100 untwisted.
  • She pulled one of the blankets free, untwisted it, and draped it over me.
  • Mama squealed, and made small beckoning gestures with her untwisted hands.
  • Pulling out the loaf of bread, Carissa untwisted the tie and took two slices.
  • Our current system and culture is twisted and we need privat and public help to get untwisted.
  • Shot of an open closet, one sweater on a wire hanger, one wire hanger untwisted on the floor by it.
  • We flipped chairs upright and untwisted the blinds and put the trash back into the trash can and packed miscellaneous items like T-shirts and tickets back into boxes.
  • The Pleasure arising to a few Philosophers, from seeing, a few Times in their Life, the Threads of Light untwisted, and separated by the Newtonian Prism into seven Colours, can it be compared with the Ease and Comfort every Man living might feel seven times a Day, by discharging freely the Wind from his Bowels?

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