
IPA: ʌnjˈutɝʌbɫi


  • In an unutterable manner; inexpressibly.

Examples of "unutterably" in Sentences

  • Are we the only person in the world who finds this deeply, unutterably depressing?
  • I shot a glance at the woman, but she was leaning back in the arm-chair, her eyes closed, unutterably tired.
  • Fans of the British incarnation will probably agree that this clip is at once familiar and also almost unutterably alien.
  • The world is mastered by the convention of love, and when one profanes love's Holy of Holies the world is unutterably shocked and hurt.
  • In the face of all this, the only realistic option available to the coalition was to make the best of an unutterably bad job – and in political terms it did just that.
  • On his return, Steffens uttered the much-rehearsed, oft-repeated and unutterably fatuous words that would be forever associated with his name: "I have seen the future, and it works."
  • The idea that “if we sow really bad things, then we reap really bad results” was ruled out of court by Jesus, and in light of that fact your attempt (and Pat Robertsons) to imply that the Haitians did something wrong is unutterably vile.
  • Crept -- always she crept, about the house, from weary bed to weary chair and back again through long days and weeks of torment, never complaining, though her unfailing smile was twisted with pain, and the wise gray eyes, still wise and gray, were grown unutterably larger and profoundly deep.
  • Culled from five years of live BBC sessions, this 11-track collection works as a "greatest hits" set if unutterably yearning songs such as Bullets had been hits and captures the intimate, often improvised energy of their shows, with acoustic guitars, banjos, electronica and the much-loved tweeting stuffed bird.

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