
IPA: ʌnvæɫjud


  • Not having been valued or appraised.
  • Not considered to be of worth; deemed valueless.
  • (obsolete) Having inestimable value; invaluable.

Examples of "unvalued" in Sentences

  • 'unvalued' for 'invaluable,' etc.; and Shakespeare has 'unavoided' for
  • Both the supervisor and the supervised should feel valued at all times as employee turnover may result when any feels unvalued.
  • It was decided at the workshop that research would be done to evaluate women's unvalued labour in domestic and care-giving roles.
  • In fact, informants suggested that offering spirit forces what amounted to "junk" or unwanted or unvalued items was offensive to them. back
  • But the majority of the mad, untreatable and unvalued, remained incarcerated in the great asylums, which were little more than prisons designed as hospitals.
  • A: I firmly believe in balance to achieve a healthy lifestyle and have found that disconnecting from technology allows me to really appreciate things in life that typically go unvalued.
  • Boyle's performance gives a compelling peek into that universal and ageless theme about the person so unique, that they are shunned and go into exile feeling misunderstood, different, unvalued.
  • Other means of paying the debt are either inflation (debasement of the value of money), or economic growth - which is falsely measured because it is based on undervalued exhaustible resources and unvalued pollution.

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