
IPA: ʌnvˈɛntʌɫeɪtɪd


  • Not ventilated, lacking ventilation.

Examples of "unventilated" in Sentences

  • In cold weather, we spend more time with other people in close, unventilated spaces.
  • In the first American prisons, inmates were confined in crowded, dark, unventilated, filthy, windowless rooms.
  • Given the high HIV prevalence, the threat of TB and drug-resistant TB in cramped, unventilated cells is all the more serious.
  • The buildings were considered pioneers in the "light-court" model of tenement development, intended as an alternative to the dark and unventilated tenements common at the time.
  • But most people in low-income developing countries rely on traditional, non-commercial sources of energy using inefficient technologies such as unventilated stoves or open fires.
  • Men worked in water half-way up to their knees, in gas - fi lled rooms, in unventilated mines where the air was so foul that no man could work long without seriously impairing his health.
  • Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18 – 24 hours or more … On another occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees.
  • There were incidents of mental and physical abuse when workers failed to reach production targets – in one factory, 40 workers were locked in an unventilated room without access to toilet facilities, water and food for over three hours as a punishment.

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