
IPA: ʌnwˈɛrinɪs


  • The property of being unwary.

Examples of "unwariness" in Sentences

  • Peacock -- Peril through pride, ambition or unwariness.
  • This unwariness makes the egg-switching a little easier.
  • The first sign of unwariness would begin and end the battle.
  • His sudden and astounding change from total unwariness to a fighting youth with every sense on the alert was something for which they were unprepared.
  • The only criticism it seems possible to suggest on Scheer's tactics is the unwariness of his pursuit, which might so easily have led to the total destruction of the German fleet.
  • This, as I had learnt many years previously from a colleague who'd just had a bullet extracted from the lobe of his left lung because of this very unwariness, was a very unwise thing to do.
  • Astonished that he had not noticed this before, and shocked at the unwariness by which he might have betrayed her into so dangerous a situation, he became at once reconciled to the idea of leaving her in a convent.
  • Although I was almost the only one exposed to vexations of this kind, partly because I felt them most keenly, and partly because they succeeded best with me on account of my extreme unwariness, there were other annoyances which all, without exception, had to put up with.
  • Toorkisth [= a] n; for about twelve miles we traversed a dry low grass jungle of about a foot in height, tenanted by a species of wild goat, several of which we disturbed on our passage through their haunts, but not being prepared for any sport, I did not take advantage of their unwariness.

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