
IPA: ʌnwˈɔrʌntʌbɫi


  • In an unwarrantable manner; in a manner that cannot be justified.

Examples of "unwarrantably" in Sentences

  • If we are unwarrantably familiar, we know who is not.
  • The great cause why modern humor and modern sentimentalism repel us, is that they are unwarrantably familiar.
  • English publication, unless Bode, in his enthusiasm for the book which he was offering the public, inserted the word unwarrantably in Lessing’s statement.
  • “I call Heaven to witness that I am a friend to the Union,” he said, but the proposal to adopt without prior amendments was “unwarrantably precipitate, and dangerously impolitic.”
  • “Then, sir, you may guess what is likely to follow, when a gentleman hears himself unwarrantably and unjustly slandered,” replied Captain Jekyl, surprised and provoked that his annunciation of name and rank seemed to be treated so lightly.
  • Had he sprung at her, or snarled, or shown any anger or resentment such as did the other dogs when so treated by her, she would have screamed and screeched and raised a hubbub of expostulation, crying for help and calling all men to witness how she was being unwarrantably attacked.
  • “Oh that there were not many who study to build again what they did formerly unwarrantably destroy: I mean Prelacy and the Service Book, a mystery of iniquity that works amongst us, whose steps lead unto the house of the great Whore, Babylon, the mother of fornication,” and so forth.
  • Accident, by throwing into my hands this last letter to the uncle whose goodness you have most unwarrantably and unfeelingly abused, has given birth to an investigation, by which I have arrived at the discovery of the long course of rapacity by which you have pillaged from the same source.

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