
IPA: ʌnwˈeɪvɝɪŋ


  • Not wavering.
  • Always on course and steady.
  • Not doubting or unsure; decisive, firm, resolute.

Examples of "unwavering" in Sentences

  • Others adopted an expression of unwavering ferocity.
  • The plot, unoriginal and unwavering, is the best thing going for this film.
  • How many of us trusted in unwavering U.S. adherence to the principles of the Geneva Convention?
  • It is very important to understand who you are and remain unwavering in your beliefs and dreams.
  • "We will also be conveying very directly and personally to the Haitian people our long-term unwavering support, solidarity and sympathies," Clinton said.
  • From our perspective, this is a defining moment inasmuch as we are not clear where exactly the CNURA government stands on federalism, and whether or not it is giving the idea unwavering support.
  • Since I have not only neglected my own blog but my friends 'as well (and I consider you a friend, as we all want only the best for each other and stand by in unwavering support), I have been reading back, interest a bit piqued by your last comment.
  • Putting aside weapons and sanctions -- whether it is possible to bomb someone into being peaceful, or starve their children until they are peaceful, or cut off their access to energy and water until they are peaceful -- there seems to be something fundamentally undemocratic about the idea of unwavering nationalism.

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