
IPA: ʌnwˈɛɫ


  • Not in good health; not feeling well; somewhat ill
  • (dated, euphemistic) Specifically, ill from menstruation; affected with, or having, catamenial; menstruant.

Examples of "unwell" in Sentences

  • A Paris police official said the employees were "unwell" after the incident.
  • CCII managing director Richard Young on Thursday said the document was "unwell".
  • But we are still unwell, which is a shame, though we're still able to eat and get about.
  • He really is a more complicated, kind of unwell guy, in terms of an antisocial behavior pattern.
  • Saying he was "unwell, " Mr. Zhang returned to China the following day after filing charges in connection with the incident.
  • The Hoff seems to be a bit 'unwell' at the moment see comments section here, so I thought he may appreciate this brief Get Well Soon message.
  • Mr Harbage said the prosecution accepted Susan Moody had been "unwell" at the relevant time but the extent of that illness was "open to dispute".
  • I fear sharing the horrible thoughts I have while 'unwell' will only add to destructive repetoir of thoughts other meatally ill people already have to endure.
  • One of the hospitals said that some of the people that had stuff either left or accidentally placed inside them became 'unwell' as a result, but it is not known to which objects, or patients, they were referring.

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