
IPA: ʌnwˈɪɫd


  • Not disposed of in a legal will.
  • Not willed or wished for.

Examples of "unwilled" in Sentences

  • I quivered and the breath went from me in an unwilled gasp.
  • Memories come flooding back, often unwilled, sometimes unwelcomed.
  • My wife says the hand goes to notes unwilled by her, dark, minor chords.
  • Like Dreiser in Sister Carrie, Wright goes to great lengths to establish that the crime was involuntary, unwilled, accidental.
  • Since he was no longer the object of a search, that was easy to do; he simply merged with unwilled machines, intercepting their orders and performing their tasks himself.
  • John Bargh, in this chapter - Bypassing the Will: Towards Demystifying the Nonconscious Control of Social Behavior 1 - takes evidence from several different subdisciplines and argues that consciousness - that thing which gives us our experience of deliberate control - exists exactly to make automatic, 'unwilled', behaviours possible.
  • It seemed to have something to do with wave dynamics, a sense of harnessing a blast of energy that would rise from one hip, course through the body to the opposite shoulder, flow downward into the fists, which would then surge in opposing directions, bringing the blade through with an amazement of unwilled speed and force, all without trying.

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