
IPA: ʌnwˈɪɫɪŋ


  • Not willing; reluctant

Examples of "unwilling" in Sentences

  • In spite of his lack of physical prowess, however, he commanded a certain unwilling respect because of his power of "talking book talk."
  • It was deemed an honour to have given birth to free communities; it was considered a disadvantage and weakness to hold them in unwilling bonds.
  • Menacing warlords intimidate, the Taliban strikes and the foreigners remain unwilling to risk the necessary relationships they need to develop with Afghans.
  • There have I done everything for this young fellow, and he is unwilling, _unwilling_ indeed, to give his mind to the simplest business for six hours a day. '
  • Axelrod said they remain unwilling to directly attack Palin's experience, simply saying, We respect her, she's a skilled politician as she proved last night ...
  • In The Thorn Birds, Father Ralph is in unwilling thrall to rich Mary Carson, the doyenne of the region, on whom his hopes for a big donation to the Catholic church reside.
  • That suggests Japanese consumers will likely remain unwilling to help the economy exit its lull by shopping more, with deflation prompting them to defer purchases as they wait for prices to fall further.
  • Now it and every other chain unwilling to abandon the New York City market will have to reformulate their menus, and given research costs and economies of scale, the changes are likely to be national, not just regional.
  • Teale's wound, it was in all parts of his body, and by a variety of murderous weapons, when the poor man was unconscious of having received any himself, and could scarce obtain credit when he appeared in perfect health: so unwilling is the good-natured world to give up a story that is to the disadvantage of others.

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