
IPA: ʌnwˈɪɫɪŋnɪs


  • The property of being unwilling.

Examples of "unwillingness" in Sentences

  • What so quenching to prayer as the notion of unwillingness in the ear that hears!
  • He chided Mr. Fisher for what he characterized as the unwillingness of GM's management to listen to dealers and shareholders.
  • The Telegram editorial this hot summer Wednesday nails down another aspect of the House of Assembly spending scandal, namely the unwillingness of members to disclose their expense claims.
  • Mr. Dodd has been outspoken about the abuses of the financial-services industry in recent years, particularly in regard to mortgage lenders and what he describes as their unwillingness to help rework loans facing foreclosure.
  • She glanced at Aidan, and he could see the stubborn set of her jaw that he had not really noticed until yesterday, though it must have been there from the start, he supposed, recalling her unwillingness to accept his assistance, desperately as she had needed it.
  • As I well recall, the tip-off at the Berlin Foreign Ministers 'Conference in 1954 that the Soviet Union was unwilling at that time to reach any agreement on German reunification or an Austrian peace treaty was its unwillingness from the outset to negotiate in confidence.
  • Following diverse reporting in the media on statements issued by, amongst others, the Freedom Front, regarding the hunger strike of Mr Willem Ratte and in which my possible involvement in his release, or my so-called unwillingness to concede in this regard, were constantly mentioned, I wish to put the matter in perspective.
  • This long-term unwillingness to abide by international law is so thoroughly documented in the Report that the UN Human Rights Council on 16 October 2009 not only expressed "serious concern at the lack of implementation by the occupying Power, Israel, of previously adopted resolutions and recommendations of the Council relating to the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem," but also condemned the "non-cooperation by the occupying power, Israel, with the independent international fact-finding [Goldstone] mission."

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