
IPA: ʌnwˈɪtɪŋɫi


  • In an unwitting manner; inadvertently, obliviously, unintentionally, unknowingly.

Examples of "unwittingly" in Sentences

  • "Broussard," and in the extreme excitement I spoke his name unwittingly,
  • As you collect points and your avatar "matures" into higher and higher levels, you are doing something, unwittingly, that is amazing.
  • The scientist Isaac Dan der Gimnebulin unwittingly unleashes a terrible menace on the city, and must do what he can to stone for his mistake.
  • Mark Penn once again unwittingly gives us the real reason why Hillary lost because peolple alike him and Bill Clinton didn't understand that we are tired of the same ole stuff.
  • This would only reproduce wittingly what Millions-type lists do unwittingly, which is to assume that anything remotely useful can be accomplished by making lists and choosing up sides.
  • Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday conceded that the decision of some Congress allies to form a separate front could affect the electoral outcome and said the Left parties and the Third Front were "unwittingly" - + helping the BJP.

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