
IPA: ʌnwɑntɪd


  • Not customary or habitual; unusual; infrequent; strange.
  • (archaic) Unused (to); unaccustomed (to) something.

Examples of "unwonted" in Sentences

  • In a moment, however, all the unwonted sensations were gone.
  • My pulse rushed up in an unwonted manner, yet my rage mounted with it.
  • I to know that his willingness to talk was most unwonted and was where the liquor gave him away.
  • He recalled the unwonted agitation of Captain Vere and his excited exclamations so at variance with his normal manner.
  • But the next instant, one of the boatmen, placidly lighting his pipe, was startled by an unwonted harshness in his captain's voice.
  • Tertullian seems to have often found it necessary to coin unwonted forms of expression, or rather to invent an ecclesiastical nomenclature.
  • But whensoever the call came, being so constituted, it was manifest that he should adapt, should adjust himself to the unwonted pressure of new conditions.
  • And here on the crest, three hours afterward, he emerged, tired and sweaty, garments torn and face and hands scratched, but with sparkling eyes and an unwonted zestfulness of expression.
  • Then, with the waywardness of action which thought and feeling often take in unwonted situations, she began to wonder whether it could be right to be there – not only for her, but for anybody.
  • The same day shee was agen taken with a new kind of unwonted fitt, in which, after shee had bin awhile exercised with violence shee got her a sheet [?] & went up & downe, thrusting & pushing, here & there, & anon looking out at a window, & cryed

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