
IPA: ˈʌp


  • (uncountable) The direction opposed to the pull of gravity.
  • (countable) A positive thing, or a time or situation when things are going well.
  • (particle physics) An up quark.
  • An upstairs room of a two story house.
  • Initialism of Upper Peninsula. [The northern of the two peninsulas that make up the US state of Michigan.]
  • (religion) Initialism of United Presbyterian.
  • (India) Initialism of Uttar Pradesh. [A state in northern India. Capital: Lucknow.]
  • (software) Initialism of Unified Process.
  • (Philippines) Initialism of University of the Philippines.
  • Initialism of unqualified prospect. [A person or company that is a potential client for a sale, but who has not been previously vetted.]
  • Initialism of university press.


  • (transitive, poetic or in certain phrases) To physically raise or lift.
  • (transitive, colloquial) To increase the level or amount of.
  • (transitive, colloquial) To promote.
  • (intransitive, often in combination with another verb) To rise to a standing position; hence, by extension, to act suddenly; see also up and.
  • (intransitive, archaic or poetic) To ascend; to climb up.
  • (computing, slang, transitive) To upload.


  • Facing upwards.
  • On or at a physically higher level.
  • Headed or designated to go upward (as an escalator, stairway, elevator etc.) or toward (as a run-up).
  • Fitted or fixed at a high or relatively high position, especially on a wall or ceiling.
  • (by extension) Available to view or use; made public; posted.
  • Aloft.
  • Raised; lifted.
  • Built, constructed.
  • Standing; upright.
  • (obsolete) Risen up, rebelling, in revolt.
  • Awake and out of bed.
  • (horse-racing) Riding the horse; mounted.
  • (of the sun or moon) Above the horizon, in the sky.
  • Larger; greater in quantity, volume, value etc.
  • Indicating a larger or higher quantity.
  • Ahead; leading; winning.
  • Finished, to an end
  • In a good mood.
  • (usually in the phrase up for) Willing; ready.
  • Next in a sequence.
  • (not used attributively) Happening; new; of concern. See also what's up, what's up with.
  • (poker, postnominal) Said of the higher-ranking pair in a two pair.
  • Well-informed; current.
  • (computing) Functional; working.
  • (of a railway line or train) Traveling towards a major terminus.
  • (US, bartending) Chilled and served without ice.
  • (slang) Erect.
  • (UK) At university (especially Oxford or Cambridge).
  • (slang, graffiti) well-known; renowned


  • Away from the surface of the Earth or other planet; in opposite direction to the downward pull of gravity.
  • To or at a physically higher or more elevated position.
  • To a higher level of some quantity or notional quantity, such as price, volume, pitch, happiness, etc.
  • To or in a position of equal advance or equality; not short of, back of, less advanced than, away from, etc.; usually followed by to or with.
  • (intensifier) Used as an aspect marker to indicate a completed action or state; thoroughly, completely.
  • To or from one's possession or consideration.
  • To the north (as north is at the top of typical maps).
  • Towards or at a central place, or any place that is visualised as 'up' by virtue of local features or local convention, or arbitrarily, irrespective of direction or elevation change.
  • (rail transport) Towards the principal terminus, towards milepost zero.
  • Aside or away, so as no longer to be present or in use.
  • (sailing) Against the wind or current.
  • (Cartesian graph) In a positive vertical direction.
  • (cricket) Relatively close to the batsman.
  • (US, bartending) Without additional ice.
  • (UK, academia, dated) To university, especially to Cambridge or Oxford.

Examples of "up" in Sentences

  • · To get up from the ground, the child ‘walks up’ his thighs with his hands.
  • *Wake up, wake up* Fans teh donkey wif a luvly fezzer fan madid owt ov wild canary goldfinsh fezzers… and calls teh auto CCC…
  • We must work tirelessly to make sure that every boy and girl in America who is up for adoption has a family waiting up* to reach him or her.
  • Yes, -- and, to confirm my suspicions, here rattle in the drums and pipe in the fifes, wooing us to get up, _get up_, with music too peremptory to be harmonious.
  • That is, close up, shut up, or, as is said now, "bung up," -- emphatically, "We kept true time;" and the probability is, that in saying this, Sir Toby would accompany the words with the action of pushing an imaginary door; or _sneck up_.
  • I am all caught up on my Telly shows, and most of my comics now - I still haven't read Batman RIP so I have no idea if it ties into the events of Final Crisis or if he's absent from Robin for another reason altogether *throws hands up* does anyone know?
  • Promoted to Headline (H2) on 4/4/09: GM battle 'hotting up' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'GM battle \'hotting up\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: India is trying to fend off GMOs, just as there is a renewed thrust on pushing GM crops in the United States, the UK, and in Europe. '
  • Marley and Me: 'Two paws up' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Marley and Me: \'Two paws up\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: The wonderful new movie Marley and Me shows that animals are a part of the family, for better or for worse, and when we bring them into our homes, we are making a lifetime commitment.
  • However, the most important person in any such crime like in all crimes, of course is the victim, and if the victim says: "shut up about it because *you continuing to bring it up* upsets me, it was a long time ago and I don't want to have it splashed on the front pages now", that's exactly what should be done.

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