IPA: ˈʌpbrɪŋɪŋ
- The traits acquired during one's childhood training
- The raising or training of a child.
Examples of "upbringing" in Sentences
- The only disparate element in her upbringing is her novel-loving, chain-smoking, lesbian grandmother who lives with them.
- Independent-minded Bess Crawford's upbringing is far different from that of the usual upper-middle-class British gentlewoman.
- Connavar, because of his upbringing is a troubled and not overly psychologically stable individual, but does have heroic qualities.
- The one, by fortune of birth and upbringing, is strong and capable; the other, by fortune of birth and upbringing, is not so strong or capable.
- In "Love Song", he puts a Harry Chapinesque melody with lyrics describing a girl, who despite having a perfectly charmed upbringing is still a bitch.
- Not much of a cook, but I love reading your recipes as they sound so delicious and your upbringing is the makings for a good read. (hint, hint, a book in your future?)