
IPA: ʌphˈiv


  • (transitive) To heave or lift up; raise up or aloft.
  • (transitive) To lift or thrust something upward forcefully, or be similarly lifted or thrust upward.
  • (intransitive) To be lifted up; rise.

Examples of "upheave" in Sentences

  • And your hesitant heart flutters, not wanting to upheave.
  • I bought a pc a couple of years back that had “upheave to USB” on the door covering the USB ports. —
  • And trafficking of the world, upheave existing institutions, and overturn all the social relations of life.
  • It shows there can‘t be any snow in Rome because otherwise it would buckle and upheave the street, it shows this, it shows that.
  • In this case, when I have really needed to mobilize myself in times of challenge or fear, I have found myself repeating "Your hesitant heart flutters, not wanting to upheave."
  • In addition, by applying its algorithmic, datacentric approach to economics, Google had quietly begun a revolution that would transform and upheave the worlds of media and advertising.
  • [T] here are many examples of the sublime which are independent of passion, such as the daring words of Homer with regard to the Aloadae, to take one out of numberless instances, "Yea, Ossa in fury they strove to upheave on Olympus on high,/With forest-clad Pelion above, that thence they might step to the sky."

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