
IPA: ˈʌpɝmoʊst


  • At or nearest the top of something.
  • Highest in rank, importance, etc.


  • In the highest position.

Examples of "uppermost" in Sentences

  • "Protection" seems to be a word uppermost in this anti-democrats mind at the moment:
  • The conclusion that three dice were deliberately placed with six uppermost is then a personal, not a statistical conclusion.
  • And so for the day, and without mention of the name uppermost in the thoughts of each, the two had parted -- for the first time as friends.
  • Preconceived idea again uppermost, he took literally many of her sallies and allusions to her husband, which were purposely Brobdignagian in their dimensions.
  • Two portable millstones are used for the purpose, of which the uppermost is turned by a small wooden handle, and during the operation the maid sits behind the mill.
  • If by uppermost he meant right beside his constant scheming to restore his treacherous family to the wealth and power they had squandered in disloyalty, then I suppose he spoke truly enough.
  • The necessity of replacing the monk by the schoolmaster was recognized, but not the necessity of replacing the nun by the schoolmistress; the purely physical and reproductive idea of woman being once again uppermost, the need for training her mind no longer existed.
  • With regard to the construction of bones, the bones and joints of the fingers are simple, the bones of the hand and foot are numerous, and articulated in various ways; the uppermost are the largest; the heel consists of one bone which is seen to project outward, and the back tendons are attached to it.

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