
IPA: ˈʌprɔriʌs


  • Causing, or likely to cause, an uproar.
  • Characterized by uproar, that is, loud, confused noise, or by noisy and uncontrollable laughter.
  • (by extension) Extremely funny; hilarious.
  • (figuratively) In a mess; dishevelled, untidy.

Examples of "uproarious" in Sentences

  • The sailors were said to be "uproarious" over the news.
  • Brooks also paid an uproarious visit to Carson's late-night heir, David Letterman, earlier this week.
  • Assemblies, or by what other name the poor Black wretches might choose to call their uproarious merrymakings.
  • Oni has some other titles that show this potential: the uproarious Black Metal, the excellent Last Call, and the beautiful mess that is Sharknife.
  • The sad thing is, George Soros spent a lot of money setting up this organization to do exactly this kind of uproarious, knee-slapping, mindless bullshit.
  • a mussel the the ancient was carrying to his mouth; and when the grit of it bit into the old fellow's mucous membrane and gums, the laughter was again uproarious.
  • At Cork, to which they drove across the hills, a reception awaited Sir Walter which rivalled in uproarious acclamation the one which had greeted his arrival in Ireland.
  • She said she was also cognizant of the importance of improving the students 'vocabulary, using words, such as uproarious and patrons, or alliteration words, such as grin and giggle in the book.
  • The "playing songs," and kissing, the joyous peels of laughter, the continuous gleeful mirth, the "uproarious" outbursts of merriment, beggar all description, I therefore lay down my pen, and leave the reader to imagine, what must have been the impressions on the mind of Miss Nellie Norton, just from New England.

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