
IPA: ˈʌpsˈaɪd


  • The highest or uppermost side or portion of something.
  • (figurative) A favourable aspect of something that also has an unfavourable aspect.
  • (finance) An upward tendency, especially in a financial market etc.

Examples of "upside" in Sentences

  • Do you see a short term upside for this company in in a month or two?
  • His long-term upside is somewhat limited in light of the fact that he'll be 25 this year.
  • They go to refinance, they go to sell the property, and they are what we call upside down.
  • Her book lay open upon the window - sill and Desire, having good eyes, could read its title upside down.
  • Their conclusion, in what they call their upside scenario, projects an American unemployment rate down 2 percent from the baseline.
  • He chose "Democracy" as his subject and turned the term upside down by declaring, "Who can blame Signor Mussolini for describing it as a putrefying corpse?"
  • Geopolitical issues such as what is happening in Egypt currently also pose short term upside risk to prices but I think oil prices likely trade in a range of $85-$95/b in 2011.
  • A good cold snap may carry off some valuable bits of wildlife and cost in energy terms but the upside is a culling of troublesome pests that cannot be achieved in any other way.
  • The inexperience obviously hurt the Aggies at times, though the upside is the potential the team could possess in 2010 as long as the newcomers get stronger in the weight room and improve on the field.

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