
IPA: ˈʌptɪk


  • A small increase or upward change in something that has been steady or declining.
  • (finance) A stock market transaction or quote at a price above a preceding one.

Examples of "uptick" in Sentences

  • If the DJIA falls by the target amount, the collar is called the uptick rule.
  • Psychologists believe the uptick is most likely linked to the recession, she said.
  • An Opera spokesman tells us that unlike Mozilla, his company has not seen a significant download uptick from the French.
  • That followed comments he made in March when he called the uptick in homicides "worrisome," and decried, "We have fewer police officers on the streets than we did before."
  • Whether the uptick is about setting a precedent against opponents early on or something else, the presence of a player like King can certainly give other teams pause before challenging the Capitals.
  • Whilean $8,000first-time home buyer tax credit and a separate $6,500 repeat home buyer tax creditexpiring at the end of April mayplay a role in influencing sales — after all, the credits exist to spur them — the uptick is notable.
  • It simulates, (i) the associated medium term uptick in household and corporate sector loan losses in the banking book, and (ii) immediate mark to market losses arising from trading book holdings of government bonds of each country.
  • The brewer of Castle and Carling beer may see a short-term uptick from the soccer World Cup in South Africa, where it has a nearly 90 percent market share, even if SAB's management did not believe it would see a significant uptick in volumes.

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