
IPA: ʌptˈɝn


  • an upward turn or trend, especially in business activity or profit


  • to turn (something) up or over

Examples of "upturn" in Sentences

  • But Polk is still inheriting a company in the midst of a long-term upturn.
  • The quantity of work it takes to restore order at Cheyne Row, and repair the ruin of that general upturn, is perfectly incredible.
  • According to the company, the key factor behind the upturn was the improved economic scenario in Brazil and South America, especially in regard to consumer confidence, and Gol's strategic positioning in its operational markets.
  • Economists also fear the U.K. coalition government's austerity measures to rein in borrowing, including tax rises and public-spending cuts, will knock the country's post-recession economic upturn, which is already forecast to be slow and fragile.
  • But with consumers, the government and the shattered banking system weighed down with debt after a decade of credit-fuelled excess, Spencer says the only hope for a long-term upturn is that the cheaper pound helps to spark a renaissance for manufacturers.
  • If anything, the upturn has been a little stronger than was widely expected at the beginning of the year, with a better than forecast performance in the second and third quarters likely to result in growth for the full year of around 1.7% compared with consensus expectations at the beginning of 2010 of about 1.2%.

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