
IPA: jɝˈimɪk


  • (pathology) Of, relating to, or causing uremia.

Examples of "uraemic" in Sentences

  • Death occurs from uraemic poisoning and peritonitis.
  • The 74 in hospital were treated for haemolytic uraemic syndrome, a serious but rare complication of
  • Many of those infected have developed haemolytic uraemic syndrome, a potentially deadly complication attacking the kidneys.
  • Less frequent complications of infection with Sd1 include sepsis, seizures, renal failure and the haemolytic uraemic syndrome.
  • In Britain, there have been 11 cases of E.coli, three of those with haemolytic uraemic syndrome, the potentially fatal kidney illness.
  • The acute form of the disease is very rapid in its progress, often destroying life by uraemic poisoning -- the retention of urea in the system.
  • • Unpublicised E coli outbreak leaves 250 ill and one dead was corrected because one reference said that 74 people were treated for haemolytic uraemic syndrome.
  • O157: H7: Detected in 1982, this bacterium is typically transmitted through contaminated food and has caused outbreaks of haemolytic uraemic syndrome in North America, Europe and Japan.
  • When the kidneys become so badly diseased that they can no longer perform their function of separating from the blood the nitrogenous end-products of digestion, uraemic poisoning occurs.
  • However, in a small proportion of patients, particularly young children and the elderly, the infection can result in life-threatening complications, such as haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), for example.

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