
IPA: vˈæsʌɫeɪt


  • (intransitive) To sway unsteadily from one side to the other; oscillate.
  • (intransitive) To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another.

Examples of "vacillate" in Sentences

  • I vacillate between dark and amusingly self-absorbed …
  • The word vacillate means “to be indecisive … to sway from side to side.”
  • A set of forks, flanking a plate of fish, vacillate between threatening weapons and frail hands.
  • You seem to vacillate between “this is my preference, i.e. what is good for me” and “this is what is good for everyone”.
  • Versions of the words "vacillate" and "indecisive" were much more in evidence on the McCain campaign conference call this morning than in past calls.
  • And let's face it - as military family members we often vacillate between reaching out and pulling back abruptly when no one grabs the hand we've extended.
  • Every time we have this discussion you vacillate between “the US has nothing to fear from the ICC” and “it would defeat the point to exempt the US from the ICC”.
  • OrenWithAnE: Every time we have this discussion you vacillate between “the US has nothing to fear from the ICC” and “it would defeat the point to exempt the US from the ICC”.

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