IPA: væɫʌdˈɪkʃʌn
- A speech made when leaving or parting company.
- The act of parting company.
- A word or phrase (such as adieu or farewell) said upon leaving.
- A word or phrase used to end a letter or message.
Examples of "valediction" in Sentences
- There is no valediction but just statements.
- Yours truly already redirects to Valediction.
- Complimentary closings are a form of valediction.
- He had a speech of valediction in front of students.
- For the greetings counterpart to valediction, see salutation.
- English valediction typically contain the possessive pronoun yours.
- The words 'valediction' and 'valedictorian' share a common derivation.
- It is sometimes also seen used as a valediction at the bottom of messages.
- For each style of salutation there is an accompanying style of valediction.
- For each style of salutation, there is an accompanying style of valediction.