
IPA: vˈæɫʌnt


  • (chemistry, linguistics) Having valence.

Examples of "valent" in Sentences

  • Only if we also ban the phrase “highly valent marker of pseudism.”
  • When in doubt I'll stick with the old French adage: deux précautions valent mieux qu'une: better to be safe than sorry.
  • Life is a complex and multi-valent experience, where nuance and thoughtfulness often get us nearer the truth than do bold assertions.
  • You might have to shop around for a good price, but "les chaises en valent certainement la peine" (= sure, the chairs are worthwhile).
  • As one example, I brought up the phenomenon of serotype replacement, which can occur due to the use of what are called “multi-valent vaccines.”
  • Plusiers sont vieillies, mais Merriam-Webster, The American Heritage Dictionary, The Oxford English Dictionary (quand il (elle?) arrive) et même Wiktionary valent la peine.
  • The significance in the futurity of a “we” who learn by asking, however, is of the utmost importance in beginning to understand the multi-valent temporalities of the collectivity in Anglo-Saxon and medieval literature.
  • Working in a poetic that is both multi-valent and articulately human, Degentesh creates a space that casually articulates an anger toward the casualness we use to describe the politically grave – a space that, to paraphrase Baudrillard once more, is more casual than casual.

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