
IPA: væɫʌtˈudʌnɛri


  • (dated) A sickly, infirm person.


  • (obsolete) Sickly, infirm, valetudinarian.

Examples of "valetudinary" in Sentences

  • The Lady of Lochleven rose from the bedside, and darted a penetrating look at the elder valetudinary.
  • An _adagio_ may set a gouty father to sleep, and a _capriccio_ may operate successfully on the nerves of a valetudinary mother.
  • Governor himself, expressed that settled peevishness and ill temper which characterize the morning hours of a valetudinary debauchee.
  • The whole season being wet, cold, and northerly, people were, for the most part, healthy during winter; but early in the spring very many, indeed, the greater part, were valetudinary.
  • Beside these suffering men Lord George lay on a floor all night, having given up the minister's house in Musselburgh, which had been destined as his quarters, to those who were valetudinary.
  • It renders the habit of society dangerously valetudinary: it is taking periodical doses of mercury sublimate, and swallowing down repeated provocatives of cantharides to our love of liberty.
  • The other, that I was now sitting in a damp room, a circumstance, though it had hitherto escaped my notice from the color of the bricks, which was by no means to be neglected in a valetudinary state.
  • Plato, in his "Republic," blames Herodicus (one of the teachers of that great doctor Hippocrates) for showing to delicate, sickly persons, the means whereby to prolong their valetudinary existence, as Herodicus himself (naturally a very rickety fellow) had contrived to do.
  • So saying, he laughed very heartily, and even seemed to enjoy the retaliation which had been exacted at his own expence; but lady Bullford looked very grave; and in all probability thought the lieutenant had carried his resentment too far, considering that her husband was valetudinary — but, according to the proverb, he that will play at bowls must expect to meet with rubbers.

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