
IPA: væɫgʌs


  • knock-kneed (having the distal part of a limb displaced or twisted away from the midline of the body)

Examples of "valgus" in Sentences

  • Hallux valgus is a deformity that can lead to what ailment?
  • While he was studying equinus, varus, and valgus, that is to say,
  • The Latin name for this is hallux valgus (hallux for big toe, valgus for bent outward).
  • Also in contrast to certain shoe designs, Giro wanted a neutral platform, free of any built-in varus or valgus wedge or cant.
  • We treat disorders and deformities of the foot and ankle as well as clubfoot, vertical talus, hallux valgus, fractures and other trauma.
  • Aga valgus langes majade vahel nagu oleks keegi seda pannud ja suitsumasinat ka kasutanud, et ikka efektsem oleks (ma rääkisin, et saastatud õhk).
  • Sihid on mul olemas ning see helge valgus ka kusagilt paistab... argipäev on siiski pigem raskused ja käänakud... seetõttu ongi tunnustus tore asi...
  • Decreasing the inward angulation or valgus of the knee may help to limit an inappropriate forward rocking of the pelvis and thus decrease the relative extension occuring at the junction between pelvis and lumbar spine.
  • He's closely examined Meresamun's feet -- toes, toenails, vessels, and tendons all intact -- and learned that her right big toe points more laterally than the others, a condition known today as halex valgus, one of the steps toward developing a bunion.

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