
IPA: vˈæɫʌdeɪtʌd


  • Declared or made valid.
  • Having experienced emotional validation.

Examples of "validated" in Sentences

  • Many of the players agreed Saturday's title validated the years they'd spent on the softball fields.
  • The “offended” woman had *her* rights of expression validated, while the patriot had hers invalidated.
  • Still, Woods considered his performance again validated his decision to retool his swing during the last two seasons.
  • That means you have to build the national collection around art that is by definition validated – and more expensive.
  • For Garcia, winning the state title validated the beliefs he and his coaches, including Windsor coach Monte Trusty, had in him all along.
  • Curran said detectives believe that the motive for the shooting was gang-related, and that Gutierrez and Gonzalez were identified as validated gang members.
  • He lowered his ERA to 3.73 for the year with one start remaining, again validated his belief he should never have had to sign a minor league deal back in late February.
  • Otto's title validated by Innocent (1201); assassination of Philip (1208); imperial coronation of Otto (1209); papal break with Otto (1210) and support of Frederick (with Philip II); Frederick's second election (1211) and dash to Germany.
  • No matter what changes either side of the spectrum makes to its presentation, the people who witness the changes will only have their opinions more strongly validated, which is why they watch or listen to who they watch or listen to in the first place.
  • If we vote for Obama, that anti-democratic process -- where party officials decided early in the process, based on rules and exceptions to the rules, who they wanted to win -- then that anti-democratic process will be validated, which is, to my mind, the worst thing that can happen.

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