
IPA: vˈæɫɝʌsɫi


  • In a valorous manner.

Examples of "valorously" in Sentences

  • "Very well, I'll take him in hand," I announced valorously.
  • The old men who sat with me and valorously slew mosquitoes were
  • He served his country valorously during multiple combat tours to
  • He made a difference in the Senate, he served valorously at Pharsalus and won Philippi brilliantly.
  • Besides all this, they had valorously mounted en croupe behind the ghostly horseman of Prague, through all his seven translators, and followed the footsteps of Moor through the forest of Bohemia.
  • He reminded me of the Irish hero, "Hold me, Jim; you know my temper," for the Duke had no real idea of doing anything of the sort, although, when the poor noble animal had been shot by some of the piqueurs, the Duke then ran in valorously and dipped his couteau in the beautiful animal's chest.
  • The Carduchians, seeing that the remnant left was the merest handful (for many even of those whose duty it was to remain had gone off in their anxiety to protect their beasts of burden, or their personal kit, or their mistresses), bore down upon them valorously, and opened fire with slingstones and arrows.
  • On reaching the bandit's house they found the first gate broken open and the two gentlemen and their servants defending themselves valorously; but as they were outnumbered by the bandits, and the married gentlemen were much wounded, they were beginning to give way, having already lost a great number of their servants.

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