IPA: væɫjuˈeɪʃʌn
- An estimation of something's worth.
- (finance, insurance) The process of estimating the value of a financial asset or liability.
- (logic, propositional logic, model theory) An assignment of truth values to propositional variables, with a corresponding assignment of truth values to all propositional formulas with those variables (obtained through the recursive application of truth-valued functions corresponding to the logical connectives making up those formulas).
- (logic, first-order logic, model theory) A structure, and the corresponding assignment of a truth value to each sentence in the language for that structure.
- (algebra) A measure of size or multiplicity.
- (measure theory, domain theory) A map from the class of open sets of a topological space to the set of positive real numbers including infinity.
Examples of "valuation" in Sentences
- If your valuation is reasonable, it will probably be accepted.
- Small economies — Massmart's valuation is bigger than Zimbabwe's GDP of $3.5 billion — could be swamped by capital inflows.
- The gap between authors and owners in valuation are, however, not significant, though authors want a little more than owners do.
- While I own two of their products, the idea that this company has a 5 plus year trajectory that merits a $590MM valuation is just crazy.
- I previously had a $3.00 target on the stock, however I have had to revise that projection to $2.50, reflecting a more realistic short term valuation in light of current market conditions.
- Assume the lower figure of 1.5 million, keeping in mind that this number constitutes only the homeless and not the multi-millions currently living in poverty, who would probably be willing to sell their “chips” (citizenships) if your valuation is accurate, so that the market would essentially remain flooded.