IPA: vɑɫvʌɫɝ
- (medicine, biology) Of or pertaining to valves, such as those of the heart.
- Like a valve.
Examples of "valvular" in Sentences
- At the time we were doing only valvular surgery but I am sure they have evolved into coronary bypass surgery by now.
- Then the valves, which are made up of folds of membrane, lose their suppleness, and what is called valvular disease is permanently established.
- Once the bacteria is in the bloodstream it can infect other organs like the valves of the heart, resulting in a disease known as vegetative valvular endocarditis.
- He had had men die after several days in the jacket, although, invariably, they were unlaced and carted into hospital ere they breathed their last ... and received a death certificate from the doctor of pneumonia, or Bright's disease, or valvular disease of the heart.
- For that matter, without a murmur or symptoms suggestive of valvular heart disease and a structurally normal heart documented once you can't call yourself a cardiac patient without having an ehco what advantage is there from repeating echocardiograms on a regular basis either?
- a kind of valvular opening into it, of such a nature that everything that passes along it having reached the blind or closed end, must return in order to escape; or rather the office of the cæcum is to permit certain alimentary matters and all fluids to pass from the ileum, but to oppose their return.
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