IPA: vɑɫvˈuɫ
- (anatomy) A small valve.
- (anatomy) A structure similar to a small valve.
Examples of "valvule" in Sentences
- Angujlius ubi valvule coartlattt evadunt concava. —
- Interventricular valvule: of heart, lies in front of seluilunar valve.
- Oesophageal valve: a funnel-like folding of the oesophagus, extending into the chylific ventricle in some insects, and forming a valve that controls the entrance of food into that organ: = cardiac valvule.
- Cardo extus umbonibus minutis, intus singulse valvule constans lamina rotundata, introrsum versa, concava; in al - tera testa juxta hunc cardinem est squamula erecta, complicata, cui in opposita testa respondet squama erecta, plana.