
IPA: væmpˈɪrɪzʌm


  • (pathology) Systemic lupus erythematosus (autoimmune disease)
  • (mythology) The state of being a vampire.
  • Practices associated with vampires, in particular blood-drinking and the draining of a victim's life-force.
  • (figuratively) Extortion.

Examples of "vampirism" in Sentences

  • Agnes: "You mean vampirism is like ... pyramid selling?"
  • A diabetic teen decides that vampirism is connected to her disease.
  • Dr. Gomez-Alonso wasn’t the first scientist who tried to pin vampirism to a real illness.
  • Here, vampirism is a known condition but the law has yet to catch up with the issues that they bring forth.
  • In other words, vampirism is a disease, and it can be passed from person to person unknowingly or otherwise.
  • Westerfeld's take on vampires and vampirism is that it's about parasites; and to prove his point the book contains a lot of real science about parasites.
  • It was a movie that was filmed in black and white about an existential philosophy student who becomes a vampire, except vampirism is treated like heroin addiction.
  • His vampires cannot stand sunlight (demonstrated in a spectacular sequence), vampirism is an infestation spread by vampire bite, and in particular, vampires need to be invited in to households – the film draws its central theme (and title) from this notion of “letting someone in”.
  • Every aspect of vampirism is researched and explained in nearly completely plausible, scientific ways ... right down to myths versus reality of various ancient vampire knowledge, future applications of vampires, and patenting the names of drugs that suppress the "Crucifix Glitch".
  • Tomas Alfredson's brilliant adaptation of John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel (which takes its name from a Morrissey lyric) was one of the most unexpected movie treats of the decade? an exhilarating, heartbreaking tale of adolescent angst in which, according to the director, the vampirism was a metaphor for repressed youthful rage.

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