IPA: vʌnˈɪɫʌ
- (countable) Any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla (especially Vanilla planifolia), bearing podlike fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food or in perfumes.
- (countable) The fruit or bean of the vanilla plant.
- (uncountable) The extract of the fruit of the vanilla plant.
- (uncountable) The distinctive fragrant flavour/flavor characteristic of vanilla extract.
- (uncountable) Any artificially produced homologue of vanilla extract, principally vanillin produced from lignin from the paper industry or from petrochemicals.
- (countable, sexuality, slang) Someone who is not into fetishism.
- (uncountable, gaming, slang) An unmodded version of a game.
- A yellowish-white colour, like that of vanilla ice cream.
- (of flavor, etc.) Of vanilla.
- (colloquial, chiefly computing, retronym) Standard, plain, default, unmodified, basic.
- (sexuality) Not kinky, not involving BDSM.
- Plain; conventional; unimaginative.
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