IPA: vˈænɪʃɪŋɫi
- So as to vanish, or appear to vanish; especially, very small or rare.
Examples of "vanishingly" in Sentences
- You keep claiming that such situations are vanishingly unlikely.
- "vanishingly" - and from that concluded that I was arguing the exact opposite of what I'd stated.
- First, cytokine molecules, such as interferon and interleukin-2, pack an incredible punch, even in vanishingly small amounts.
- That is way more important than dealing with something minor as the national effect the case will have on a federal law that has never been used and is vanishingly likely to be used in the future.
- The fact is that a vanishingly small portion of the population has control over 1/3 of the wealth in this nation is a good reason to think that the system is rigged to ensure that it stays that way.
- What will likely pass through reconciliation is a series of amendments to the bill that passed by regular order – a vanishingly minute procedural matter everyone will forget about two days after it happens.
- This category, though, does include that small fraction of the American population who describe themselves as either atheists or agnostics, although these labels turn out to have little common usage.24 While atheism has recently gained prominence, particularly on the bestseller lists, self-identified atheists and agnostics comprise a vanishingly small proportion of the U.S. population.
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