IPA: vˈeɪpɝˈis
- Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of vaporize. [(transitive, intransitive) To turn into vapor.]
Examples of "vaporise" in Sentences
- Then we should all vaporise by Mark Sashine on Thursday, Dec 6, 2007 at 12: 18: 57 PM
- Regular posters found it frustrating to find their comment vaporise and it wasn't just me.
- Any nerves or sadness I had slowly began to vaporise as we sat in Nana's tiny kitchen where we had found a box of unopened Roses.
- This would effectively target the cancer cells, and thus allow the RFG to vaporise them alone and leave the rest of the body unharmed.
- “We therefore use a short, high-voltage discharge of 5000 volts to vaporise some of the water in a glass tank and create the plasma ball.”
- Since the main battery was already active, it entered auto-fire mode to vaporise as many of the objects hurtling towards the Boomerang as possible.
- All of these are available at MOCA, where the very disinterested staff in the gift shop will unlock the case to let you smell them and then vaporise when you want to ask anything about them, like the price.
- Earlier this year, Israeli scientists created plasma balls by using microwaves to vaporise various materials, but Gerd Fussmann and his colleagues (at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and the Humboldt University in Berlin) used a different approach that they believe comes closer to the natural phenomenon.
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