
IPA: vˈeɪpˈɝɪʃ


  • Characteristic of vapour.
  • (dated) hypochondriacal; affected by hysterics; splenetic; peevish

Examples of "vapourish" in Sentences

  • If he do marry, he doubts he shall have a vapourish wife.
  • A disgusting feeling of nausea, a kind of vapourish tightness behind his nose.
  • Now this letter gives the servant the small-pox: and she has given it to her unhappy vapourish lady.
  • A man who wills fiercely to win the heart of a weak and vapourish woman MUST succeed, if he have opportunity enough.
  • But, after all, so low, so dejected, continues she to be, that I am terribly afraid I shall have a vapourish wife, if I do marry.
  • Excuse this depth of vapourish dejection, which forbids me even hope, the cordial that keeps life from stagnating, and which never was denied me till within these eight-and-forty hours.
  • First, where he has borne with any infirmity of your own; and I know of none where you can give him such an opportunity, except you get into a vapourish habit, by giving way to a temper too thoughtful and apprehensive:
  • And whenever, for appearance-sake, they are obliged to be together, every one sees, that the yawning husband, and the vapourish wife, are truly insupportable to one another; but separate, have freer spirits, and can be tolerable company.
  • I should be ready to censure some of thy contrivances and pretences to suspend the expected day, as trite, stale, and (to me, who know thy intention) poor; and too often resorted to, as nothing comes of them to be gloried in; particularly that of Mennell, the vapourish lady, and the ready-furnished house.
  • Come, dear Susan, and let us make the best of this 'very penetrating world' - as a maid of my mother's used to call it in vapourish moods - come and wind me up again, as you have often done before when I was quite run down, so that, from being a mere senseless piece of lumber, I began to tick and tell people what o'clock it was.

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