
IPA: vˈɑrʌ


  • (historical) A traditional Spanish unit of length, equivalent to about 83.7 cm.
  • (historical) A traditional Portuguese unit of length, equivalent to about 1.1 m.
  • (historical) A traditional Spanish unit of area, equivalent to about 0.7 m².
  • A surname from Spanish.
  • (law) Acronym of Visual Artists Rights Act.
  • Acronym of volume at risk approach.

Examples of "vara" in Sentences

  • Äkta vara: noveller/översättning: Britt Arenander och Solveig Nellinge.
  • But also he has the title of Îśvara, which is specially applied to Śiva.
  • Veckans fight blir första semifinalen i ämnet - det var så många som ville vara med!
  • Jag vill tacka för äran att vara här, tacka Svenska Akademien, tacka svenska folket och jag vill också tacka skogen.
  • Adorno de tela que, sobre unos aros y con forma de cilindro acabado en cono, cubre parte de la vara de la cruz de algunas parroquias.
  • Och som ett brev på posten skriver Jeff Jarvis om författandet, varför böcker ska vara processer och inte produkter: This vision came from my readers.
  • I once existed in Texas and I was reared by pioneer single-parent leather-hide Texian ladies and I never remember hearing the word "vara" used or defined.
  • (Må inte vara våra genrer, men det är den bästa Hollywoodfilm som någonsin gjorts, och Hollywood är väl science fiction, fantasy och skräck all rolled up in one?) - If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it.
  • Mounted on a pony that could cover something near a "vara" at a step, with a pocket compass to direct his course, he would trot out a survey by counting the beat of his pony's hoofs, mark his corners, and write out his field notes with the complacency produced by an act of duty well performed.

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