IPA: vˈɛrɪgeɪt
- (transitive) To add variety to something.
- (transitive) To change the appearance of something, especially by covering with patches or streaks of different colour.
- To dapple.
- variegated
Examples of "variegate" in Sentences
- 'Tropic Coral': tall erythrina (Erythrina variegate L).
- 'Tropic Coral': tall erythrina (Erythrina variegate L.).
- Given that 'variegate' means 'to make varied in appearance or colour', what Dr
- Erythrina variegate is successfully propagated from seed or large stem cuttings.
- Erythrina variegate has a reputation for medicinal properties in India, China and Southeast Asia.
- Farmers in India appreciate E. variegate as fodder, light timber and, more recently, pulp for the paper industry.
- Commonly used, dual purpose shade/fodder species include Albizia chinensis, A. odoratissima, A. procera, Gliricidia sepium, Erythrina poeptugiana, E. subumbrans and E. variegate.
- In some localities of the Venezuelan coast where waters are crystal-clear, a variegate community of sponges (33 species), tunicates (12), bivalves, and algae, can be found adhered to the submerged roots of R. mangle.
- We need houses to protect us from the seasons, and behold the materials with which we are provided; the growth of trees with their adornment of leaves; while rocks of stone piled above the plains variegate the prospect with their pleasant irregularity.
- We had the fish, which, as the kind reader may remember, I had brought down in a delicate attention to Mrs. Ponto, to variegate the repast of next day; and cod and oyster-sauce, twice laid, salt cod and scolloped oysters, formed parts of the bill of fare until I began to fancy that the Ponto family, like our late revered monarch
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