
IPA: vˈɛrɪks


  • (medicine) A varicose, i.e. swollen and knotted, vein.
  • (zoology) In mollusks, a particular ridge on the shell, corresponding to a former position of the aperture.

Examples of "varix" in Sentences

  • The edge of the varix sticks up ~0.3 mm above the shell surface.
  • Subsequent close inspection revealed a prominent varix across the top of each valve.
  • But the varix itself is to be punctured in many places, as circumstances may indicate.
  • The above magnified picture was taken from below the varix; the umbo was towards the top.
  • The varix on these valves indicates that the occupant clam did stop growing at least once.
  • I am otherwise not familiar with these clams and don't know if the presence of such a prominent varix on their shells is a common occurrence.
  • Of course, on the inside surface of the shells there is no break, but only a lumpy ridge corresponding to the position of the varix on the outside.
  • The older shell above the varix had lost most of its periostracum and thus was white, while the younger shell below it still retained the yellowish-brown skin.
  • A dysentery, when stopped, will give rise to an aposteme, or tumor, if it do not terminate in fevers with sweats, or with thick and white urine, or in a tertian fever, or the pain fix upon a varix, or the testicles, or on the hip-joints.
  • When the points adjoining to an ulcer are inflamed, the ulcer is not disposed to heal until the inflammation subside, nor when the surrounding parts are blackened by mortification, nor when a varix occasions an overflow of blood in the part, is the ulcer disposed to heal, unless you bring the surrounding parts into a healthy condition.

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